Wednesday, 11 September 2013

homework: video game research - Mass effect 3

The game i have researched on is called Mass Effect 3 

Key information:


 Action role-playing and third-person shooter.


 Xbox 360, PlayStation 3m, Microsoft Windows and Wii U


Pc:£9.99 ( Ps3:£9.99 (eBay), Xbox 360:£14.98 (, Wii U:£17.99 (Argos)


The reviews were half and half, a few people loved the game and a few people hated it. there were 9,593 reviews to look at. 

Release Date:

  •  Europe: Microsoft windows, Xbox360, PlayStation-March 9th, 2012 & Wii u-November 30th, 2012. 
  • Japan:  Microsoft windows, Xbox360, PlayStation- March 15th, 2012 & Wii U-December 8th, 2012.
  • North America: Microsoft windows, Xbox360, PlayStation- March 6th, 2012& Wii U- November 18th, 2012.
  • Australia:  Microsoft windows, Xbox360, PlayStation- March 8th, 2012& Wii U- November 30th, 2012.

Number of copies sold:

 X-Box 360=  2.31 million, PS3= .1.8 million , PC= .51 million    =Total sales = 3.63 million retail sales


The developer: Bioware
The publisher: Electronic Arts  
The producers: Jesse Houston 
The  directors: Casey Hudson
The composers: Sascha Dikiciyan, Sam Hulick, Christopher Lennertz, Clint Mansell and Cris Velasco.


The game was promoted on... Facebook,YouTube and Twitter.




Targeted Audience-

 The target audience for Mass Effect 3 is 15


The Retake Mass Effect 3 campaign has brought to a close its protest against the ending of Mass Effect 3, declaring it a resounding success.
Retake Mass Effect 3 had been appealing for funds to get the movement taken seriously by BioWare; money it will donate to gaming charity Child's Play.

by Iqra

1 comment:

  1. WWW: You've found some excellent information, particularly concerning the developers and links.
    EBI: What you haven't done is present the information so it is easy to read. I'd like clear text, images, videos and screengrabs from Facebook/Twitter. You also haven't said if you think the marketing campaign was successful.
    LR: Go back to your post and improve/add based on your EBI.
